Tuesday 2 February 2010

Wardrobe clear out time!

Its that time of year when you cant get the doors closed and items drift from the hangers and mingle with the boots and shoes at the bottom its....Wardrobe clear out time!! Now I believe that if I sort out my wardrobe then the muddle that is my life will instantly be transformed into a colour coordinated, organised regime. I will be suddenly become one of these well groomed together sorts. Shallow Moi! You know the ones they always have a small pair of nail scissors and just the right shade of lipstick . (The only I time have have nail scissors in my handbag is when passing through the XRay machines at Heathrow). So back to the wardrobe, what to keep to see me into spring and what to discard as soooo yesterday.
Following advice from the people who know, I will be keeping the skinny jeans and the chunky knit to team up with my little silk dress, until the weather bucks its ideas up. I will hang on to every waistcoat and white shirt of which I have many to wear with my new Armani jeans. Also anything that has a stripe and looks vaguely nautical. The rest will then join the boxes in the loft until the ceiling falls in.

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